Just when I had reached my end,

You Rose!

Just when I had lost everything,

You Rose! 

Just when I had lost all hope,

You Rose!

Just when they had branded me fatherless,

You Rose!

Just when I had been swallowed up,

You Rose!

Just when I was about to give up,

You Rose!

You Rose,

And gave me a new beginning!

You Rose,

And restored every lost thing!

You Rose, 

And made me hope again!

You Rose,

And ushered me to the Father!

You Rose,

And snatched me from the enemy’s snare.

You Rose,

And revived me!

The gospel shall be published among all nations,

Then I’ll Rise!

The sun shall be darkened,

Then I’ll Rise!

The moon shall not give her light,

Then I’ll Rise!

The stars of heaven shall fall,

Then I’ll Rise!

The powers that are in heaven shall be shaken,

Then I’ll Rise!

The Son of man shall be seen coming in the clouds with great power and glory,

Then I’ll Rise!

I shall meet Him in the air,

Then together, we will Rise!

Inspired by; The Holy Spirit, Mark 13, 1 Thessalonians 4:17

Via In The Nick Of Time